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Writer's pictureChad Populis

Social Media Strategies for Wedding Photographers

Updated: Jun 17, 2023

Assuming you have developed your own style and workflow and have acquired the skills and experience to be a professional wedding photographer, to grow your business, you must gain a strong following and be visible to potential clients.

Social media strategies for wedding photographers
5 Easy Social media strategies for wedding photographers

It is very common for wedding photographers to use social media for visibility and to attract new customers. In this day and age, it is important to establish a strong presence to stand out from the competition and get more clients.

Here are 5 helpful strategies that can be used across all platforms, that will help you succeed in the world of social media for your wedding photography business.

1. Define Your Unique Brand Identity

Social media strategies for wedding photographers
Identify and Showcase your Style and Brand

First and most importantly, you want to create an identifiable brand for your wedding photography services. This is how current and potential customers will remember and recognize your business. Consistently post pictures and updates to showcase your style and quality. You don't have to post multiple images per day but do upload HIGH-QUALITY CONTENT regularly every few days or so. As I like to say "A little of the best, goes a lot farther than a lot of the less"

You want to differentiate yourself from the other photographers out there and use visuals to establish your brand. You should make sure you include what is standard to your industry and profession and also the trends of your local area, but make sure to enhance your content by showing would-be clients and partners what's unique to you and your brand - whether it be your composition, your workflow, or your quality - Showing what you and your brand is about is the best way to find YOUR people.

Be sure your content targets the demographics of the platform. Linkedin is for business connections, Facebook has a more engaging audience and may work well for more mature audiences who enjoy more informed content, while TikTok caters more to younger audiences, and short-form content may be best suited there or use Instagram to share high-quality images of your best work. Whichever platform you use, be sure to add variety to each social media market you post to.

2. Engage With Your Audience

Social media strategies for wedding photographers
Engage with your audience regularly and respond quickly

Engagement is critical to growing a social media following for a wedding photography business. It is not time-consuming and can be the most effective way to gain new clients organically and direct them to a "call to action".

A. Post regularly.

In addition to your wedding photos and related content, quick posts about other aspects of your profession are a great way to get your audience to "engage with you". Post about your knowledge and experience in photography. Add videos, images, and captions about a great location for a portrait session or a quick review of a wedding venue you've enjoyed shooting in.

Social media strategies for wedding photographers
post interesting content relevant to your target audience

Organize the content you want to share in advance. 3 to 5 NEW posts per week, per platform, are enough to establish an engaging audience. Don't be afraid to post a bit more, if the content is relevant to the time and will increase engagement.

Social media strategies for wedding photographers
Most common social media posting frequency

Each post should have a separate and focused "call-to-action", directing your audience to an intended task, whether it's to read your blog, learn more about a topic, go to a service booking page, send to a website, like a post, follow your page, or share your content.

You should also aim to REPOST important and relevant content as well, like pricing, promotions, and specials. Be sure not to spam your audience with repeat content, as this can be off-putting to your viewers. Aim to share the same post across multiple platforms. This helps with both ENGAGING and BRANDING.

Social media strategies for wedding photographers
Post content regularly to engage your audience

B. Comment on other people’s posts.

Adding insight and knowledge to someone else's post can be an easy way for them to become a follower of yours and engage with your content as well. Be sure to be concise and positive in any comment. You want every engagement to be flattering and representative of your brand.

Your comments should incorporate how the post relates to your profession. This helps establish your authority and can influence a user to engage and follow your brand.

C. Ask questions.

Ask enticing questions that others seek to answer. Attempt to include questions about the photography profession, such as pricing, styles, trends, and composition. Ask your audience what they like and how they feel about a topic. This direct engagement helps with understanding your client's expectations and how you can better deliver your services, and why asking these questions helps your clients to better connect with what you can deliver for them.

D. Respond timely to your followers' inquiries. It is very important to quickly interact with your followers when they are seeking information. Capture their interest while you have their focus and attention. An inquiry into your service is a tell that your other methods are working - that your content has quality and value and that your customer has a general interest in what you are posting. This is a great opportunity for a CTA and gain a new client.

Growing a social media audience is an ongoing and evolving process, and staying active and engaging is key for success.

3. Harvest Testimonials

planning Social Media marketing  Strategies for Wedding Photographers
harvest reviews and testimonials

Soliciting customer testimonials and reviews can be very helpful in building trust in your brand and services. Add them to your social media posts and website in order to help customers make the decision to book your services.

4. Utilize Social Media Ads

Social media strategies for wedding photographers
Use paid advertising

Advertising on social media is an effective tool to reach potential clients. Ads help you target your ideal customers, while also extending your reach beyond your current following. It is great to let everyone know what you offer and the value your service provides, but clients also want to know what other customers think of your service as well.

5. Track Performance and Results

Social media strategies for wedding photographers
Track performance and results

In order to make the most of your social media presence, it is important to track your performance and results. Monitor different metrics, such as interactions, reach, profile visits and website clicks, in order to gauge your success and improve your social media strategy.

Social media can be very effective in attracting clients to your wedding photography business. It is important to develop an engaging presence while also keeping an eye on your performance and results.

Following these five strategies will help you set up a strong platform and create an online presence that will attract potential customers.

Social Media Strategies for Wedding Photographers
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