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New Orleans photographer and videographer for weddings, boudoir photo shoots, professional
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New Orleans photographer Chad Populis. wedding photos, headshots, boudoir pictures

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wedding photographer for black weddings near me

Sannu, Ni Chad Populis ne, mai zaman kansa na yankin New Orleansbikin aure,taronkumasalon rayuwaakwai mai daukar hoto/bidiyo don ɗaukar lokutanku na musamman. Ni uban aure ne mai 'ya'ya biyu masu kyau. Ni New Orleanian ne na tsawon rai yanzu wanda ke zaune ba da nisa a Gretna.


Ƙirƙirar hotuna ya kasance abin sha'awa na koyaushe, daga zane-zane na ban dariya da rubutu a matsayin matashi zuwa zane-zane da ƙirar gidan yanar gizo a matsayin matashi. Ta waɗannan abubuwan na zama “ƙwarewar fasaha” wajen gyara hoto da bidiyo da sarrafa kayana. Sai a shekara ta 2016, bayan da aka yi ta neman in kama abubuwan da suka faru, da gaske nake da ra'ayin yin wannan a matsayin sana'a. Makamashi da nau'ikan kayan inganci iri-iri, ƙwarewar fasaha na shekaru, falsafar kaina na sauƙi mai sauƙi, ƙishirwa ga kamala tare da jagorar my  hangen nesa abokan ciniki, na tabbata za mu iya samu. shugabanci wanda ke samar da kyawawan hotuna.

Hotuna da bidiyo suna ɗaukar abubuwan tunawa da za ku yi waiwaye da su kuma ku ɗaukaka rayuwarku gaba ɗaya. A Chad Populis Photography, Ina alfaharin baiwa abokan cinikina kwarewa mai inganci da araha don ba da labarin ku ta hotuna. Ina alfahari da sadaukar da kai ga sabis na sirri da kulawa ga daki-daki. Ziyarci nawaBOKAshafi don farashin fakiti daban-daban.

Ina so ku sami hoton da ke bayyana ɗan lokaci a cikin lokaci, wanda ke rataye a bango har abada - wannan shine hoton da nake ƙoƙari. Kyawawan cikakkun bayanai sune bugun zuciya na daukar hoto: Ina son zuciyar ku ta tsallake bugun shekaru masu zuwa. Lokacin da nake aiki da wani, ina so in san su, koya game da su wanene. Ina so in san ƙaunarka, me ya sa ka zama mutumin da kake. Ziyarci nawaPORTFOLIOdon duba ingancin aikina.


Yin aiki tare, za mu ƙirƙira hangen nesa mai ban mamaki, kuma mu ba da labarin ku. Maimakon ɗaukar wasu hotuna kawai, muna ƙirƙirar wani abu tare wanda ba shi da lokaci, soyayya, da ɗaukar motsin rai yayin da suke faruwa. Ina ƙoƙari in zama ɗaya daga cikin manyan masu daukar hoto a New Orleans, kuma a matsayin abokin ciniki, za ku sami babban bangare a wannan manufa.

Ina harbi SONY! Ina harbi na musamman akan jikunan kyamara marasa madubi na Sony Cikakken Frame E-Mount. Ina jin wannan tsarin yana da mafi yawan juzu'i tare da ikonsa na ɗaukar bidiyo mai girma da kuma tsayawa a cikin ƙananan haske. Quality ba zai taba zama matsala tare da tsarin ba. Canon, Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic da Fujifilm duk suna yin kyamarori masu kyau kuma ba za ku iya yin kuskure zabar kowane tsarin ba, amma IMO, Sony kyamarori suna ba ni mafi yawan zaɓuɓɓuka.

"An nuna kamardaya daga cikin manyan masu daukar hoto na New Orleans!"


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Red Dress Run in New Orleans Fulton Street - Amber Bagnerise birthday - Chad Populis,  black photographer in Louisiana
New Orleans engagement photoshoot at City Park - Chad Populis, african american-photographer

Common Questions for a New Orleans Photographer

  • Is it worth having a photo booth at a wedding?
    Yes, having a photo booth at a wedding is worth it as it provides entertainment, encourages guest interaction, and creates lasting keepsakes. Both traditional and 360 booths offer unique ways to capture the celebration's joy and excitement.
  • How many pictures do you get from a photo booth?
    The number of pictures a photo booth can produce depends on the printer's output capacity. However, guests can usually take unlimited digital photos during the rental period, ensuring plenty of opportunities for capturing memories.
  • Are 360 photo booth rentals worth it?
    Yes, 360 photo booths are worth it because they offer a fun, unique and memorable experience for guests, capturing dynamic videos that traditional photo booths cannot. They also offer instant social media sharing capabilities, increasing the event's social reach.
  • How much do people charge for a 360 photo booth rental?
    The cost for renting a 360 photo booth varies depending on the location, event duration, and additional services offered, but prices typically range from $500 to $1500 per event. It's advisable to compare local providers for specific pricing and package details.
  • What does a 360 photo booth include?
    A 360 photo booth typically includes an operator, an app for capturing and share videos, business liability insurance, and props for guests to use. Optional additions like stanchions and enhanced lighting can further enhance the booth's appeal and functionality.
  • How many people can fit on a 360 photo booth?
    The number of people a 360 photo booth can accommodate depends on its size, with most setups comfortably fitting between 1 to 6 average-sized individuals. Ensure the booth you choose meets the needs of your event size.
  • Do you need a backdrop for a 360 photo booth?
    No, a backdrop is not strictly necessary for a 360 photo booth, but adding one can significantly enhance the visual appeal of the videos. Backdrops can provide thematic cohesion and additional branding opportunities for events.
  • What are some 360 photo booth ideas for corporate events?
    For corporate events, consider using branded props and backdrops to increase brand visibility. You can also encourage participants to share their 360 videos on social media with a specific event hashtag to enhance engagement and reach.
  • What are the disadvantages of a 360 photo booth?
    While there may be some challenges, such as the need for more space and potentially higher costs, these are easily outweighed by the fun and innovative experience they offer. Embrace the opportunity to create memorable moments that guests will talk about long after the event.
  • What equipment is needed for a 360 photo booth business?
    To start a 360 photo booth business, you'll need a sturdy and reliable platform, high-quality camera, supportive app software, and necessary lighting equipment. Additionally, props, a computer or tablet for operation, and reliable transport cases are essential.
  • How to share 360 booth photos with friends?
    360 booth photos and videos can be easily shared with friends by uploading them to social media platforms or messaging apps. You can also provide direct download links or QR codes for guests to access their captures instantly. iPhone users can share files directly using the airdrop feature.
  • Are mirror photo booths good for weddings?
    Yes, mirror photo booths are a great addition to weddings as they offer an interactive experience for guests. They combine the fun of traditional photo booths with the added flair of a touch screen mirror, allowing guests to customize their photos with drawings and signatures. They also provide high quality images by utilizing a hi-resolution DSLR camera.
Outdoor lake wedding - Chad Populis, New Orleans black Photographer

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